Friday 3 April 2015

Pulau Pangkor Fun Facts

Pulau Pangkor has come a long way from being a foreign jungle territory to what it is today, a famous attraction for travelers all over the world filled with sun, sand, and many fun and exciting activities. Want to know Pangkor Island better? Here are some interesting facts on the island!
– The word Pangkor comes from the Thai ‘Pang Ko’ which means Beautiful Island
– It is surrounded by a trio of smaller island, Pangkor Laut, Pulau Mentegor, and Pulau Giam
– The highest point on the island stands at 1216 meters, located at Pangkor Hill
– The island mostly consists of mountains, therefore the roads are lying in a circle surrounding the island
– The island is shielded by Sumatera, which gives way to a more stable tropical climate all year round
– There are approximately 30000 people living on the island
– Fishery is an important source of income for the island, next to tourism
Those looking for an accommodation for their Pangkor Island visit can have a look at Pangkor Coral Bay’s website at
For the latest news updates and offers on Pangkor Coral Bay Resort, like us on our Facebook page at

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